Established in 1946, Cast Iron Welding Services have a wealth of experience in the gas fusion weld repair of cast iron components.

Whilst working predominantly in the marine engine industry, the company are being asked to repair an increasing amount of heritage castings in the form of architectural, steam and vintage vehicle components. Typical problems dealt with are mechanical damage, fractures, erosion and cracks.

Components are dismantled, cleaned, crack tested and hydraulically tested to 10 bar. Critical dimensions are recorded and a detailed inspection report together with a fixed price quotation is submitted to the customer for approval. Repair is cost effective when compared to the cost of re-casting a component.




Gearbox with internal cracked webs. Ihe inset shows the gas fusion weld repair.

This steel crusher casting will be modified to the customers requirements.               

This component has a cracked flange. Once repaired the gas fusion weld will be virtually invisible.